Cranberry Cottage

Every Table Can Offer Delicious Meals

Technology Repair

Moscow Parquet

The current trend in the coatings industry – an exception from the LMC volatile and toxic solvents is not spared and the scope of parquet lacquers. On the shelves of Moscow stores can often imported to meet the waterborne parquet lacquers and acrylic akriluretanovoy basis. Their advantage, in addition to environmental and fire safety, is […]

Beginning Carpet

In this case, the base of the stele at the beginning wood- board (hardboard), then plank linoleum, using a special adhesive for linoleum. In the absence of hardboard floor should be several times proshpatlevat to the floor surface was smooth, except on the linoleum in the process Print all operating irregularities wooden floor. Floors of […]

Building Production

Construction – this is a complex process requiring the participation of a large number of specialists in different professiy.Prichem understand who is a professional, a person does not have the specialized experience and education, perhaps only a very superficial level. Often, such attempts "samostroya" lead to disastrous results. Statistics show that 80% of success in […]


Prepared ceiling primed diluted aqueous dispersion paint. This operation allows you to identify minor defects, elusive to ground, but the unpainted surface. After grinding and puttying defective sections stained ceiling of undiluted paint. Paint consumption is determined by its properties and, in the first place, hiding power (full information about the properties of paints in […]

Maximum Keramoizol

At the expense of the practical use of the material, there is nothing complicated. To get started, you need to carry, brush or roller paralonovy, too, will need a drill at low speed (200 min) in order to was 'Keramoizol' mix, because sometimes the stuff on top of the bucket is thick, and bottom – […]

Construction Production

Several years ago, when there was a pressed steel deck, he made a revolution in construction and manufacturing of steel structures, thanks to a beautiful appearance, ease of installation, low cost production, pressed steel deck easily replaced expanded leaf extract (PVL) is used as floor slabs and steps in the construction industry. But the technology […]


Most of the owners of residential premises, making repairs, usually aims to manage on their own, without resorting to the services of experts from organizations specializing in repair services. This is easily explained, since as producing a flat repair yourself, you can not just win financially, but also to learn for yourself a new business […]

Modern Technology

Rope. Rope has arisen in Russia about 60 years and at first it was only used in industry, hence its name – to repair the pipes, paint them, holding various high-rise work in the shops. Gradually, however, high-altitude work performed by climbers, have become necessary in other areas. With the construction of more and more […]

Flat Roof Surfaced Rolled Materials

By type of roof can be divided into two main types: flat and pitched. The roofs of these buildings, like apartment buildings, warehouses and industrial premises, as well as other objects that have a large area where the installation of pitched Roof is not possible, use a flat roof. As a roofing material for flat […]

Material Wood

In itself, wood as an environmentally friendly natural material, does not cause complaints, and all the problems associated with warpage, deformation of frames, drafts and dust caused by a usually non-compliance technologies of wood processing. Modern windows are made of wood rather complicated construction, durable and easy to operate. Elements of frames of such windows […]