Rope. Rope has arisen in Russia about 60 years and at first it was only used in industry, hence its name – to repair the pipes, paint them, holding various high-rise work in the shops. Gradually, however, high-altitude work performed by climbers, have become necessary in other areas. With the construction of more and more high-rise buildings industrial climbing is becoming increasingly important and demand. Now few people are surprised when the corner of your eye you notice a small figure, which is attached to a building at a height of several tens of meters. Climbers carry out repair and construction and installation, dismantling and cleaning, as well as many other jobs where the use of any equipment is very difficult or simply impossible. Not needing to set up mechanisms, as all work is performed in high-rise mainly with the help of ropes, climbers need to prepare no more than an hour, considerably reducing the duration of work.
No need for the cradle, or the scaffolding tower, used as climbing techniques movement, make this kind of work at height is very mobile, convenient and cost-effective, which is also important. High-altitude operation, which operates the climbers could have been a very long list. The most common tasks that solves industrial alpinism can be attributed – Installation and maintenance of billboards located in high altitude, installation and maintenance of various attachments, such as air conditioners, antennas, Breather, a different facade repairs, cleaning the outside of buildings, sealing the seams. Learn more about working at height, which perform professional climbers, you can on our website. . Industrial climbing – this is the case for professionals and do not trust the dangerous and difficult high-altitude work random people. Turning to us, you can always be sure how the high quality of work at height and that the result of our climbers will match what you want to see.