Cranberry Cottage

Every Table Can Offer Delicious Meals


President Wilson

One of the cited ones was A.B, the Toninho, of the Union of the Workers in the Industries of Heavy construction and Similar of the State of So Paulo (Sintrapav). It used, at the time, a Mercedes-Benz to arrive at the work and had telephones in its name registered in luxury property. One of them […]

Social Representations

It is understood that Pertaining to school Psychology acts to improve the process teach-learning in its aspect global – cognitivo, emotional, social and motor and offering to services the individuals, groups, families and institutions. In sight of this, this work has as objective to know the social representations of the professors of municipal schools of […]

Rui Barbosa

Face in them is the Native land, the freedom, more expensive; but the Truth, more expensive of tudo’ ‘. Rui Barbosa Bachelor in law Politician Brazilian Writer The MINISTRY OF the IGNORANCE the person who thinks thus, is not in conditions to occupy a ministerial position, therefore it is committing the crime of injures unborn […]

NBR Floor

In this in case that, a metallic plate on the grates to facilitate the circulation, but only in a stretch was placed access Da Ponte. The opera is inside of the park of the quarries, duly adapted, with bathrooms, vacant, telephones and tactile floor of signalling. In some stretches the tactile floor arrives to be […]


Another factor to be considered is the constant growth of the aged population, as the shown data. These people also will use these cities and constructions, therefore she is plus a reason so that from now the attitude of the architects when projecting either in search of an inclusive architecture, therefore they are main the […]