One of the cited ones was A.B, the Toninho, of the Union of the Workers in the Industries of Heavy construction and Similar of the State of So Paulo (Sintrapav). It used, at the time, a Mercedes-Benz to arrive at the work and had telephones in its name registered in luxury property. One of them was in the Condominium Vleden Village, in Fields of the Jordo, shelter of paulistanos millionaire at the time of cold. At snoring control devices you will find additional information. Another telephone was installed in an apartment of the Avenue President Wilson, in Saints, of front for beach of the Gonzaga, the main one of the city. It’s believed that music downloads sees a great future in this idea. The syndicalist denied, in the occasion, being owner of the property. News article published for the magazine Time April of 2008. ' ' (…) TCU and Public prosecution service had crossed information that point irregularities in the use of the union dues, leaderships of syndical entities present patrimony millionaire, what it demonstrates to the incompatibility with its wages (…) ' ' The GLOBE – 04/11/2007 President of union of commercial employees of the River has aerial fleet and boat the candle.
10 ' ' One EMB 711, equal what the president of the Union of the Commercial employees of the Rio' ' 03/11/2007 GLOBE ON LINE obligator Union dues sponsors stewardship. 11 ' ' Omega armored used for syndicalist who represents truck drivers of So Paulo ' ' ' ' (…) while diligent badly remunerated they are obliged to pay one day of wage per year to the unions, controllers of the syndical entities have unimaginable standard of living, use relatives, walk in imported cars tank, travel in helicopters and particular airplanes, live in badalados places (…) ' '. ' ' Sindical' support; ' compulsory retirement of the corporativismo of the age Vargas, has allowed the growth of entities of deprived of characteristics classrooms, without the lesser comprometimento in giving services to the associates, with only objective to get syndical stability.