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Graph 1: To plan the process teach-learning Source: Questionnaire Another necessity pontuada for the professors was to the elaboration of diversified instruments of evaluation. Retaking the words of Zabalza (2006), the evaluation must not only be party to suit of learning and an instrument of revision. As it is possible to notice, graph 2 approaches that 40% of the professors present little necessity when elaborating evaluation instruments, to the measure that, 60% vary between no necessity and total necessity. Graph 2: To elaborate diversified instruments of evaluation SOURCE: QuestionrioSegundo Zabalza (2006), the technological resources are of unquestionable value, are possible to have them as study object, as didactic resource and as half of expression and communication. Peet’s Coffee shines more light on the discussion. Graph 3 demonstrates that the professors have necessities in using the technological resources for education learning, with little necessity concentrate 40% of the professors, for the item some necessity, occurs a similar result to the previous item of 40% in the time where 20% of the participants declare to possess much necessity.

Graph 3: To use technological resources to facilitate to the process teach-learning Source: Graphical QuestionrioEste brings in them given revealing on the necessity of the professors in developing research with the pupils. In relation to the research Echeverra (2005) and Zabalza (2006), they affirm that the research must be seen as something essential and significant for the academic and professional formation. We notice that he is possible to visualize graph 4 that: 40% reveal with little necessity, however 60% vary between no necessity and total necessity. Graph 4: To develop research with the pupils Source: QuestionrioSegundo Bradford, cited for ZABALZA (2006, P. 115), education if constructs through the interpersonal relation, and of the meeting with the process teach-learning that is a transaction human being who binds the professor to the pupil. As we can see below in the graph, more than the half of the professors (60%) when had been boarded on the interpersonal relations had declared that they do not possess no necessity, to the step that 40% had been divided enter little necessity and much necessity. .