Values as the life, the peace, the love, justice, the freedom, the equality, property, the work, the family, the education, the study, the security, the religion and as much others, never must be ignored, independently of the statute, age, certainties religious politics and. The inherent responsibilities to the citizenship have implicit the obligations that they not only consist of the fulfilment of duties, but also in the right of action and, in a democratic state, if is truth to exist the proteco of the rights, is not less certain that if it must practise a culture of the duty. The binmio affirmation of the rights and fulfilment of the duties is paradigmtico of a sovereign and democratic state. In this democratic state, all the rights: economic, religious, social, ambient, cultural civilians, politicians, and as much others, are correlated and as example appears the right to make use of the property, any that are the modalities? acquisition, use, transference and legacy? , that it is related with the right to privacy personal autonomy; the right professional politician of association that is related with the right to adhere the unions, associations or orders. It has, however, limits to the right of action, basically when of these damages or condicionalismos to the identical rights of third parties result.
With effect, the rights cannot be absolute because they would be useless, since soon from the moment where the community was not preserved where if they originate, and still because they cannot put in cause the well-common one. The civic virtues are a basic requirement and that the democratic people characterize, of those if detaching, of among others: the moral responsibility, the self-discipline, the respect for the individual, proper and other people’s value, the dignity human being. To the citizen of the future it is demanded therefore, the virtue, seats in the values of the citizenship, has democratically accepted for the community.