In this article I’ll talk about automatic doors, how they move our lives and where we find automatic doors but do not realize that there are. Today we are in an increasingly automated society world, because in many cases the machines make the rather than the man. An example of automation, the gates and increasingly there are automatic doors. Where we find many doors are automatic in supermarkets or in large commercial or same spaces garages doors when we go on our car and set the command button to open the door, when we go in subway or bus doors are automatic. Increasingly we also have automatic doors in our houses and there are companies that specialize this. Automation serves only to facilitate our lives becoming us increasingly sedentary. When we think that until about 10-20 years all these non automations exist and people were able to do the same things as us today with greater or lesser difficulty, we think? God today there is no one that anyone else to do unless there is a machine! and it is true man currently estay much dependent on robotic automation.