Cranberry Cottage

Every Table Can Offer Delicious Meals

personal development


To enter in the wave or modismo of moment does not decide and nor much less define the financial situation of nobody, as perhaps said previously until you give to profit for some time, but and when the fashion to pass or you simply to give account that was not this well that you needed? […]

Exploration Of Children And Adolescents

In Brazil, of some problems for which we come across in them, one of them comes being case of great quarrel that is the exploration of children and adolescents. Symantha Rodriguez understands that this is vital information. One of the forms of ' ' to enslave crianas' ' to compel to work them it, this […]

Universe Conscience

I will never judge that certain impressions had constituted a mere dream When finishing a great fatigante work of inquiry in history them ' ' Rose; ' , after having read the decayed pages of volumes we antiqssimos and empoados manuscripts that if had become unreadable with the time, having passed my days and good […]

Valzacchi Lecture

In the recent lectures that we are carrying through, in focados in that nothing innovative comes changing the people, is about something and that he was forgotten in the time, as if we killed an essential part of us, and of this form as reflected, we create a world that does not go nothing well. […]

Minas Gerais

I was to take a walk in Minas Gerais, I finished finding a woman the name of it was Viviane, I go to confess rolled one climate between us, invited me to it to be together in the house of it and I without a doubt accepted. For more information see music downloads. We leave, […]

Gain One

From the moment that we identify to the types and the causes of the conflicts, we have conditions to determine the strategies chosen strategy must be used from ample, coherent, sincere and correct an analysis of the situation. The success of the choice of a strategy, is not guarantee of success at other moments of […]


We have that to know the characteristics of the leaders of the company in which we work for, thus, adaptarmos in them to its style of work and keeping a good relationship with them. The types of people vary very, but the types of leaders generally are the same ones. They are: Autocrat: The basic […]

Work Competitiveness

The biggest paradigm is to admit that the strategical remuneration is not COST, is a progress factor, that stimulates the processes of continuous improvement, increases the internal competitiveness searching it external competitiveness. To break this paradigm is to arrebentar the mooring cables that keep the old brains anchored in old and exceeded remuneration concepts, where […]