Rightly, want an environmentally respectful development of nature, but still within the framework of development. Now well, we already know the voracious logic of development. Or better, we need more sustainable withdrawal to a sustainable development. It would be the beginning of the realization of the key. I.e., with technical, financial resources and physical infrastructure created by globalization, we would have opportunities for socializing a mode of sustainable livelihoods for all. The Earth, on Sabbath, could auto regenerate and sustain us all. We us more, with less.
But, as we are culturally barbaric and ethically without mercy, we are not taking this political decision. We prefer to tolerate that million before that change course die. And thus, gayamente, continue consuming without conscience that well soon, ahead, waiting for us a chasm. We can and we deserve a better fate. This is not only possible, but necessary.
And it is here where the philosophers can help us. Tens of years ago many of them are saying that the excessive use of reason based on profit and the commodification of everything, at the expense of the plundering of the Earth, has led us to the current crisis. To recover the health of reason we need to enrich it with the sensitive, aesthetic and cordial, reason on which is founded the ethics, and a solidarity-based vision of life. It is what best suits the new phase of the encounter of cultures and unification of human history. Or we will pursue a tragic road and no return. Leonardo Boff Teologo, philosopher and writer. org / Center of solidarity collaborations (CCS), is a service of social awareness of the solidarity NGOs, with the objective of informing and sensitizing the society and professionals of the communication on issues of solidarity, social, by a culture of peace, in defense of human rights, with special emphasis on the fight against poverty, exclusion and the protection of the environment justice. The CCS is based on the fundamental need to integrate information development and communication as an element of cooperation. Through its analysts make articles in professional format of high journalistic quality adapted to the spaces of the media and disseminated them through their international networks. In the CCS website (www. solidarity. org. is) all items, produced to date, classified by thematic areas can be found.