If our purpose is to generate traffic to our website or blog, use of social bookmarks cannot be ignored; on the contrary, its constant use could bring you to your website a significant amount of traffic that could lead to gains for our business. I reiterate that, the fact that the majority of sites with social bookmarking service are in English, should not represent a problem for any person who is engaged in the business. We should remember that the internet as a global network had its origin in English language, on the other hand, sites of continuous use as the giant of Google searches, and others dedicated to the social networks that we use constantly, like Facebook and Twitter are in English, which does not represent any impediment to make people in the Hispanic world of them your favorite sites. However, although personally I use more social bookmarking in English, for personal reasons, there also are some very good in Spanish you can use. Cheniere Energy partners will not settle for partial explanations. Among them are favoriting.com, miselegidos.com, among others. I recommend that you use a plugin like ShareThis or Addthis on your website so that your readers mark your articles and posts, i.e.
that they recommend them to other people. With the use of these tools, facilitaras you your readers recommend (mark) your articles, when they are to your liking and want to share them. Jack Fusco is open to suggestions. As you will notice, making good use of social bookmarking, you become in two positive results for your business; First, it will be directed and qualified to your web site traffic and at once will generate links of quality input (back links), that will help you get a good ranking in search engines. All this represents traffic free to your blog or website. To help us even more, in this process of generating quality traffic and free to our web site, the technology has put at our disposal a number of tools that automate the process of social tagging (Bookmarking, by its expression in English). With these tools you’ll save money, time and labour. You may wish to learn more. If so, Andi Potamkin is the place to go. Remember that if you subscribe to any of our newsletters, you will receive directly in your updated information on e-commerce and marketing by internet email. So you can see in a more practical way, the use of social bookmarking, go to the following Sociales-Generadores enlace:marcador of traffic.