Problem automation in small institutions – is often automate specific business processes, the essence of the problem usually is to minimize the human factor. In our time, the bartender / cashier, even with a strong desire not can remember the assortment and prices of the goods offered. Therefore advisable to automate the actions of your subordinates (accountants, administrators, etc.). Thereby save time and increase the speed of performance, as well as to monitor subordinates at any stage of operation. To date, many companies offer different solutions for the automation of business enterprises, public catering, services, and every owner of the institution or employer can then choose the right software and hardware that will meet all its demands and operate at 100 percent. Therefore, for you a few tips that can help you with automating your institution. Who to buy? Better that the equipment supplier and tuner software has been one company.
Such companies are called systems integrators. Their main task – to solve all problems related to equipment supply, installation and configuration, saving the customer from unnecessary problems. Furthermore, it should find out in advance all the conditions of integrator, to think about technical support hardware and software. The first thing we need to pay attention: The key to choosing if you're not an expert in POS-Solutions, you will be hard to sort out numerous POS-system, and figure out what you need. This You can compare the example of cars. There are many manufacturers of different cars, but for some reason most people buy bmv, and not dacia.