Although European countries have always been famous for good roads, and about Russia saying that she had two disasters, and not only fools, but recently noticed the trend for improving not only the roads near their own homes, but also urban sidewalks. Previously, as a coating pedestrian zones used asphalt, but asphalt is not very durable and crack due to a sharp drop in temperature, and is now on city streets laid paving slabs, and it is not subject to climatic extremes and can serve a hundred times longer than asphalt. Now, ask the question of purchase of paving tiles, you will surround proposals with different variants of this material and it will not only different types of textures, sizes and even shapes, but color. After paving slabs made of concrete, is not just gray. From ordinary cement paving slabs created a muted gray color, closer to natural stone, but if you use white cement is possible to obtain vivid colors.
You would think that the above-mentioned advantages of paving slabs and it is its advantage, but no real advantage – the ease of repair. After all, when the asphalt cracked, then its just a patch that basically does not solve the problem completely. But if the paving slabs will be broken, then the bursting of a piece is removed and easily substitute a new one. Therefore, buying a paving slab, do not skimp and buy a few tiles in reserve, in case of breakage. To date, all manufacturers adhere to paving slabs of two methods of production. The first way. Production method of concrete block-making. This tile is more expensive and not so saturated with color, but has a number of advantages – frost resistance, strength, almost like a stone, respectively, longevity.
It is this tile can be seen on city streets. The second method. Manufacturing method vibrocasting. This tile is cheaper and usually has a bright color, and forms, but for all its beauty, it is not so durable and practical. Of course, it is ideal for paths in the garden or at the extreme case of sidewalks in a cottage village, but this tile is very slippery in the winter, so I chose this particular tile, think about where it will be stowed.