When we speak of love comes mind a series of different types of love; of father and the mother, of brother, of friend, of man for vice woman and it turns, of man for man or woman for woman, and many other more, however, what more it is proven is the love of a man for a woman or a woman for a man, this why, atrelado to this love it comes a series of other feelings such as: friendship, complicity, confidence, respect, sex, convivncia, cimes, happiness, sadness. Therefore it is that it is suffered excessively to if to lose the person to who if loves. Only that even though who loves, needs understanding that cannot, nor always, if to make to love, and is there, at the moment of the separation, the loss, the end of the relationship, that if can really prove the measure of its love. Therefore the love truer than exists, that it is of a mother for its son, teaches in them that does not matter if we are loved or not, but yes that we must only love, exactly that for this let us need to open hand of the convivncia, the friendship, of the affections, of the sex, at last, of the person to who if it loves, when we do not obtain to make them happy. Therefore it is in the sacrifice of our proper happiness, exactly that passenger, that we can show how much we love to who does not obtain loving in them, leaving them to go in search of its LOVE.