You can lose weight in a short time by using a liquid meal. For people with active lifestyles and watching their health cooks have developed a liquid meals – smoothies (English smoothies). It's a cross between mashed potatoes and juice, make its fresh fruit, berries and vegetables. Learn more about this with Costco. The fruits are crushed in a blender until tender, thick mass. These mousses abound in vitamins and fiber and, therefore, beneficial to health. Besides smoothies are well saturated and not create heaviness in the stomach. Eat smoothies were the first to serfengisty as this product helps to cope with hunger and delivers vitamins and minerals necessary for the body. Smoothies well restore power, and their cooking takes only minutes.
Smoothies – the best remedy for those wishing to lose weight in a short time without feeling hungry. And so, fruits, vegetables and berries in any proportions are crushed in the blender. If you would like to know more about Costco, then click here. By chopped fruit can be added: ice, milk, mineral water. A variety of flavors of fruit can be honey, nuts and spices (ginger, cinnamon, tarragon, mint). Vegetable smoothies from tomatoes, carrots, cucumber and bell peppers can be combined with parsley and dill, celery and lettuce. Severe restrictions there, proportion and composition depend on your taste. To lose weight in a short time with the liquid meal, you must follow some rules.
Serving a wide straw . techniques smoothies with purified water, tea (black, green, herbal), coffee and milk. As for coffee, in any case do not drink instant surrogate, just ground and brewed (will save the stomach and pressure). Remove from the diet sodas, juices and other industrial rubbish. Juices only fresh.Esli you do not add milk to smoothies, then it can be replaced by fat-free yogurt. Either take a separate glass of milk or a little cottage cheese. To use podstalstit med.Retsepty: Vegetable – smoothies. A glass of kefir (1% fat), tomatoes, cucumber, fresh herbs (dill, parsley), lettuce or celery, garlic clove, salt, ground black pepper. Fruit – smoothie. Glass raspberry, apple, pear and a glass of milk (1% fat), honey to taste.