Cranberry Cottage

Every Table Can Offer Delicious Meals

James Duke Parliament

(19) Among them was the brother of the King, the Duke of York and Lord Admiral Supreme of the Kingdom. The fantasy of a popish attack, which according to their mentors consisted in that the Jesuits, supported by the King of France and the Pope were going to invade London to assassinate Carlos II and replace him with his brother James, who in turn was going to kill the Protestants made public at this time. (20) The Parliament which did not want the possibility of a Catholic King tried to exclude the succession to James Duke of York, who had publicly announced their Catholic faith in 1672. Medical billing addresses the importance of the matter here. (21) The measure was fair but the hatred towards Catholics drew the ire of the English. (22) It was considered that fleeing King had abdicated, but it did not acknowledge having done so and He claimed his rights to the Throne from France.

The heir was also rejected by impostor. (23) It is declared illegal the arbitrary acts of Jacobo II, provided that the Executive power corresponded to the King and the legislative power to Parliament, which should be convened by the first to treat mainly issues concerning taxes, troops and religion. That same year sanctioned the bill of tolerance for all cults less for the Catholic. VII. CONCLUSION: For Pellet Lastra (24) the rule of English law is the result of a secular and slow process that begins in the time of William the Conqueror and culminates in the 17TH century with the glorious revolution.

In this final stage, two thoughts, the absolutist of Hobbes and Locke liberal are contrasted. The work of the first kept him as a political ally of Carlos I and forced him into exile with his death. In his work Leviathan exposes that power is not based on the divine right of Kings but on interest and the agreement between individuals.