The 30 billion dollars of the reconstruction cost is numeral outsider that appeared in a foreign environment. Cadastre of the damage is not measurable today or will be many times more, because the effects were for practically all the productive sectors of the affected areas, on the other hand cadastre will take several months to get up and finally the costs of the quake, unlike the Chillan, are not entirely public, even dare I say that the increased costs of this cataclysm will be private. Obviously that this situation limit facing Chile will generate a turning point in the evolution of our nation, conservatively is more than clear that although it was through a spanking we learned about tsunamis and it will certainly be very difficult that in the future our population that will again be affected by earthquakes of this or any other quantities, will not be surprised by the last effects of the tsunami. Infrastructure in housing will definitely change, the adobes that refused to disappear from some houses of Chile will be replaced by more resilient structures, the same thing will happen with the buildings adjacent to the sea, where we like to build to the Chileans and the anti-seismic regulations in height. While it is true Chile is one of the areas of greatest impact of seismicity on the planet is in contrast to the bad memory of the Chileans who stubbornly we continue building increasingly higher, forgetting that Chile is a country with high occurrence of earthquakes. We must not forget that in the earthquake than affection the V region in 1985, a building in Renaca collapsed almost in a similar way to the seen in conception and Maipu. What then are the opportunities that are emerging after the catastrophe.