History XX Maiquetia Airport (Sim n Bol var International Airport today) was inaugurated on 1 January 1945 by the President of the Republic Isa as Medina Angarita. The work began under the government of General Eleazar L pez Contreras in 20 acres of leased land hitherto used as an airstrip in the area known as Mare of an estate on the coast. This land had been recommended by the aviator Charles Lindbergh during his visit to Venezuela in 1928 at the request of the U.S. airline Pan Am The designer of the work was the architect Louis Malaussena, who also designed the Paseo Los Proceres and building of military academies in Venezuela. At first, this airfield was just flat ground for allowing the landing of aircraft and was known as Campo de Aviaci n de la Guaira. On 22 August 1942 the government of Venezuela authorized Pan Am to build the airport along with two others, Maracaibo and Maturin.The U.S. government subsidized the construction as part of the ADP (Airport Development Program). The aim was to secure bases in the Caribbean Sea in the framework of the Second World War in addition to eliminating competition in the European airline business in Latin America. For the construction plan, which included airports in Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Haiti, Panama, Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic and Panama, operated under the name Pan American Airports Corporation. The airport facilities were eventually managed by Pan American until 1 August 1946, date on which they became property of the Venezuelan state. Between 1952 and 1962 adds two additional wings and increasing the size of the runway to 2000 meters. Also lighting circuits are installed on runways dominica and approach zones to begin night operations. In 1956 he built a track assistant and in 1962 extended to 3000 m long and 60 m wide.So ran the airport until 1969, when the Ministry of Public Works began planning for the modernization of the airport to accommodate the growth in air traffic demand. To manage the new airport on 4 August 1971 shall be established by Special Act Autonomous Institute Maiquetia International Airport (IAAIM). The law was endorsed on 16 August 1971 by the President of the Republic and the Council of Ministers and published in the Official Gazette 29585. Between 1974 and 1978 the international terminal was built and in 1983 opened the domestic terminal. Both terminals were built in a modular fashion on a rectangular over a total area of 882 hectares. The domestic terminal is decorated with two windows of the Spanish artist Angel Atienza. The International has a longitudinal space with a mezzanine that connects to the parking by four bridges. In the basement are in operating rooms.The design of both terminals was carried out by the architects Felipe Montemayor, Luis Sully, Joseba Pontesta, Etanislao Sekunden, Leopoldo Leniz Sierralta and Joaquin, who jointly won the National Prize of Architecture in 1980. Among other works of art, the international terminal also has a stained glass window of Hector Poleo while the floor and wall of the aisle are decorated with works of Carlos Cruz Diez Cromointerferencia called additive color, 1974-1978. To build the Boeing 747-400 was used as a design pattern. In the modification that the airport was also added an administrative building, a cargo terminal and ancillary private and charter airlines, protocol facilities, commercial , leisure, hangars, three (3) Parking for 4560 vehicles.Because they were relatively the north and central South America, Maiquetia Airport routes include not only all airports in Venezuela, but all the American countries, Caribbean and several European destinations.