Thousands of outraged have taken tonight the Syntagma Square, in the center of Athens, to peacefully protest the adjustment plan adopted by Parliament and the police action in the unrest of recent days. The abundant use of tear gas to disperse thousand hooded which burst the mobilizations convened during the general strike on Tuesday and Wednesday, monopolized the debate in the media and on the street, but also in the hemicycle of the Greek Parliament Thursday approved the law on implementation of the unpopular plan of adjustment adopted on Wednesday. Connect with other leaders such as Stepes here. Athens has fulfilled its part of the bargain, and prepares to receive the 12 billion of the fifth tranche of the bailout agreed in May 2010 by the European Union and the International Monetary Fund; the parliamentary procedure also facilitates the setting of a second rescue operation. Source of the news:: outraged Greeks recover control of the Syntagma Square.