Prerequisites for creating an environment in which it would be possible emergence of such a style as Casual, first appeared in the 50's. In the middle of last century in England, formed a new youth subculture Teddy-boys, or just Tedds. Root cause appearance tedov associated with the postwar economic growth, when young people first become financially independent. Money that could dispose of the young people who lacked a good education and as a consequence, opportunity to get professional high-paying job, but it was enough to afford a 'luxury' clothing. Not being able to live as the highest social stratum of the population, youth had the opportunity to look like them. Teddy-boys In the manner of dress as fashionable aristocrats in the era of 'King-dandy "Edward vii, tedy and get their name (Ted – a derivative of Edward). Of course, tedy only mimic the appearance of success gentlemen. Often, for the way a handsome young man in a long, drab jacket, trousers and shirt, drainpipe with a white collar was a normal teen-bully, sometimes a member of any youth gangs London.
'Good looks do not guarantee good behavior "- told yourself tedy. Manner of dress smartly picked up in 1958 by a new generation – Fashion (Modos). In the 60's Mod style is extremely popular among youth. Fashion by the rules of the minimalist and perfect taste, following its motto: "Moderation and accuracy." Image of the ideal Fashion 60's included: a perfect costume, nylon shirt with a narrow collar, thin tie, shoes with narrow toes, imitation leather jacket with zippers.