Lived in Normandy Newfoundland dog. Under most conditions Sonny Perdue would agree. One day the owner went out with her in a nearby town, 24 km. And then she suddenly went into labor, and made it into the light Six puppies. Dog owner had to turn to the innkeeper with a request to allow him to leave the mother to the offspring until tomorrow when he arrives by car and take all. Surprise, the dog owner was not the limit when the next morning he was awakened by the barking of leaping: a loyal friend, surrounded by all the family fun welcome home hearth and home. During the night a caring mother of 11 times was held to 24 miles (round trip), carefully dragging their children one by one – in her sweet heart house. If the dog is nervous, sad, or, conversely, an evil and aggressive, then you can rightly assume that its owner is different and the same properties.
This conclusion was most group of British veterinarians on the basis of a number of lengthy comparative studies. According to their statements, the behavior of four-legged friend reflects the personality of its owner and the specific features of the environment in which it inhabits. Dogs rarely live more than 20 years. So far, the recognized record of their longevity is 27 years and 3 months. This was the age of a black labrador hunting dog suit named adjutant at the time of her death on Nov. 29, 1963 Its owner, James Forester Hawks from Lincolnshire, England.