1. It chooses wisely: The miles of the aviator frequent or the later part of the cash in purchases can come in a high price. It discovers the tariff of annual percentage (APRIL), the type of interest that will be added monthly mind to any outstanding balance of payment. Also it sees if the tariffs are fixed or variable. Later, it discovers which is and it reviews the period of grace all the honoraria, especially the transaction honoraria. Then it looks for any other load as special tariffs of the delinquency, that can be very high. It reads the fine impression carefully and, it remembers, the companies of the credit card make much money under assumption that you will not pay his accounts completely and the time every month.
It makes purchases around and it compares cards. Anticipoes one of several places to make comparisons. There is a pile of positive on the plastic that takes instead of cash. The convenience, the miles of the aviator frequents and the impulse of their degree of solution is some. Nevertheless, as so many Americans have learned, the cards of credit is only advantageous if they are used correctly. It is not any secret that the debt of the credit card has emerged like significant financial preoccupation by million of portatarjetas. Leaving the debt of the credit card is an arduous task. To avoid it in the first place is much more easy, if you have the self-discipline to follow some rules simple loans of the advance payment.
2. It establishes the good habits of the credit card of the cost: How you think around, and uses, their credit cards are the primary factors that will determine independent of if you finish for above in debt of the credit card. Of the credit card money must be the advisable means of spending that you have easily available. It is advisable because you do not have to take cash around. It is not a free step to pass the money that you do not have nor will borrow. It keeps a budget and it knows what you must available to cover expenses. It forgets that the limit of the cost the card gives and establishes his him the own ones it based on its budget. Then it uses the card for the important purchases or in emergencias. Empirical rule: If you do not have money available in the liquid assets to cover the purchase, she does not use the card secures the aid. 3. It pays completely in the end of every month: This must be easy to do if you follow the rule above. If you find that you cannot pay the complete amount, they put of side the plastic and they use cash until the following month in which you have the opportunity to obtain reached. 4. Good files of the subsistence: It keeps all the receipts from the credit card and reconcilelos with his declaration every month. Carefully read declarations to see if there are the loads that you do not recognize. If there are errors, immediately discloses them to the company of the credit card. Also it cercirese of him to have the numbers of all the credit cards in a practical place in case you lose one or has one robbed. If you can obtain in good habits of the credit card at the beginning of and small stick with them, you will avoid to have to dig of debt of it supplies credit card. Original author and source of the article