They used to say: "Distaff in the house that loschad in the field. Horse feed, clothe and spinning wheel " Therefore, the spinning wheel was an expensive gift to his sister, mother, bride, wife. Bride proposed spryast thread and show guests. Then she takes a Rubel hands (so named because of the cut grooves) for ironing and trying to pat a piece of canvas. A huge number of items in the dowry can be found in the furnace corner of the house – the place where the woman spent most of the time. Moreover, the bride is invited to show the most dishes, which she will take the groom's house.
To do this, it propose a riddle: "In the forest gone – bark found Priladil churbachok – turned tuesok. In tueskah stored milk cottage cheese, sour cream, because the bark has miraculous properties, in her products do not spoil for weeks. "Duck in the sea, and a tail on a fence " – this is about the pitcher. "Soup and porridge – our food, husband goes to work – what food will suffer " Double vessel – that took soup and porridge hay into the forest meticulously inspected sundresses, towels, embroidered with the bride. Often on towels embroidered words, "Whom I love, that I give." Towels before participated in many rites. They twined shoulders witnesses (buddies). They gave all the relatives of the groom.
For the wedding they decorated the walls of the hut. Their length reaches forty steps (an ancient measure of length). Towels in the dowry was to be no less than a hundred pieces. So that about the bride could not say: "Necessity is the erratic marriage is – it just enough towels." In a mandatory present gifts to her husband. First of all – a shirt-. Down the aisle before the groom must go in shirt stitched hands bride. Moreover, she possessed magical properties – when the family's first child was born, he wrapped it in this shirt. That he was not crying, was not sick, and wash this shirt has never been impossible. K shirt and be accompanied by a beautiful embroidered belt. Without the belt it was impossible to walk. Belt, which the bride wove his hands, watched over her husband not only from evil forces, but also from other men's wives. , hats, embroidered with pearls, invariably formed part of the dowry. It is unfortunate that all these items are on shelves or behind glass, and not everything can be touched and can compete. But, let's hope that this matter of time. The main thing that is not forgotten customs, developed over the centuries.