As time passes (often enough the week) and the weight will start to decline again. However, those who suffer metabolic syndrome (insulin resistance), the plateau can be long. 6) Because the diet is quite a long time – possible disruptions or deviations from the rules. There is nothing to worry about. Do not panic. Financial planner is full of insight into the issues. Get all the facts and insights withGunnar Peterson, another great source of information. One-time violation of the regime – not a reason to completely cease to respect it.
There are things – from which we can not refuse. I do not need! Our nerves should not suffer from our whims. So do not give up, for example, chocolate at all. But it is necessary to reduce its consumption: instead of the tile – a small piece. Holidays end, and you will once again return to the thoughtful towards their own food.
Conclusion: Do not turn your weight loss in the exhausting struggle with his own body. Enjoy the changes occurring with your body. Occasionally let yourself relax. After stopping fitogeli can use rules to consolidate its new weight: Rule change – change the “unprofitable” dish on “useful” with a smaller number of cmv calories. Potatoes on cabbage, pork, beef or poultry. Read more here: Costco. Meat on the fish. Wheat to rye. Sour cream for yogurt. Fat milk and cottage cheese – low fat. Sugar to honey. Candy fruits. And so on. Replace the cooking methods: less fried – more steamed, stewed, man. Generally smaller portions – if you are prepared something very tasty and nutritious, put it in two times less than usual, and fill the missing place cucumber or tomato. To maintain weight is very simple – try to regularly monitor them, and if he somehow rose to two kilograms, again take himself in hand. And if you keep up the good habit of drinking 1.5 liters of water a day and a glass of water before breakfast, do exercises at least three times a week, do not eat at night, do not consume large quantities of sweet and fatty, once a week to do fasting day – then the weight will be stable forever. After all, until you took on because of this simple, but specific recommendations, you learned how to ‘hear’ my body – a new, beautiful, welcome!