perhaps 1999:15) authors who had perceived the literal interaction had preceded certain hipertextual teorizao, as exposition of Patrician San Payo in its article ‘ ‘ The machine-literatura’ ‘ , where it mentions names as Foucault and Derrida in the search of understanding through the language, not forgetting it express material phenomenon in the forms, now […]
Cranberry Cottage
Every Table Can Offer Delicious Meals
Considering that ' ' the modern man is an animal in whose politics its life, while to be alive, is in questo' ' (FOUCAULT, apud, DREYFUS & RABINOW, 1995, P. 148). Biopoder portraies the control or regulation of the population. Foucault makes is analysis by means of a social, historical, philosophical boarding and the genealogical […]
Work Right
Values as the life, the peace, the love, justice, the freedom, the equality, property, the work, the family, the education, the study, the security, the religion and as much others, never must be ignored, independently of the statute, age, certainties religious politics and. The inherent responsibilities to the citizenship have implicit the obligations that they […]