This work presented as problematic the homossexualidade leaving of the point of view of the students of psychology of a particular university in Itumbiara-GO, in the year of 2007. It is had, therefore, as objective generality to argue the perception of this group of students on the homossexualidade, therefore, in accordance with Scrdua and Filho (2006), it is given credit necessary to hear individuals and groups, from the beginning of that a form of partilhado knowledge exists socially, in such a way, the homossexualidade must be understood inserted in dynamic the social and historical context. For this quarrel it was necessary then, to raise given on excellent 0 variable as: religion, sex and sexual orientation; to question on what it means the homossexualidade and as they deal with it, and at last, to analyze as this group of colleges student perceive the homossexualidade. For in such a way, it must be pointed out here that, one understands perception following Davidoff (2001, p.141), ' ' the perception is a cognitivo process, a form to know mundo' ' , where this it is a combination of the knowledge of the world, the physiology, certain cognitivas operations and the experiences of the citizen. The present research was characterized as descriptive with delineation of survey study, the sampling was composed for 45 students between 1 and 5 period of the course of Psychology, of a particular institution of superior education of Itumbiara-GO, in the year of 2007. As research instrument was elaborated a questionnaire, with twenty and six (26) questions, five (5) of these answered to the aspects related to the period where they are attending a course in the college, age, religion, sex and sexual orientation. The too much questions had been developed on the basis of the study of Lacerda, Perreira and Camino (2002), how much to the explanations on the homossexualidade fifteen (15) questions based on the Scales of Explanations of the Homossexualidade had been elaborated contend possible causes/explanations of the homossexualidade, divided three the three following, respectively: explanations biological, ethical-moral explanations, religious explanations, psychological explanations and psicossociais explanations.
To answer on as they deal with the homossexualidade, six (6) questions, five (5) of them had been elaborated correspond to Escala de Rejeio to the Privacy and one (1) referring one to the emotional expressions, positive and negative. After chosen the pupils, randomly, he was authorized for the professors who the students answered in classroom to the questionnaire. The raised data had been treated quantitatively analyzing frequency and percentage, in way to facilitate to the analysis and quarrel of the data, relating them it the raised theoretical referencial. The study it was surrounded of the ethical cares foreseen in Resolution 196/96 of the National Advice of Health, making possible the decision how much to the participation in the study and preservation of the names of the citizens that had answered the research.