Use of games and curiosidades as pedagogical resources. A reason for the introduction of games in the mathematics lessons is the possibility to diminish blockades presented for many of our pupils who fear the Mathematics and feel themselves incapacitated to learn it. Inside of the situation of game, where a passive attitude is impossible, and the motivation it is great, we notice that, at the same time where these pupils say Mathematics, they also present one better performance and more positive attitudes front its processes of learning. The use of games in the education of the objective Mathematics to make with that the pupils acquire taste to learn this disciplines, modifying the routine of the classroom and despertando the interest of the involved pupil. The learning through games, allows that the pupil makes of the learning an amused interesting process and until. For this, the games must be used 0ccasionally to cure the gaps that if produce in daily pertaining to school activity (LISETE; TIMM, 2007).
Objectifying the success in the learning, from the use of the games, Oliveira (2002), elenca the following comments: To stimulate the autonomy of the pupil, which must be stimulated to manage its proper reasoning, to create procedures and proper solutions to investigate and to bring individual contributions for the classroom; To take in consideration the previous experiences, the culture that each pupil brings of inside of itself; The professor must continuously try to perceive the level of understanding of educating; To search resources pedagogical that assist the learning; To increase its knowledge better to guide its education; to be intent to the reality as all, using it as base of a significant learning. (OLIVEIRA, 2002, P. 47) Os Parmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCN) establishes that the pupil appreciates and if adapte the Mathematics, what is basic factor to finish with pejorativos headings that pursue this substance have many years.