APM Holding AG informs: payroll from December 2013 solely via the electronic tax deduction card in Leonberg, Germany, December 2013 – the APM Group surrounded with wage and salary statement from December 2013 on the digital control information. For even more opinions, read materials from Cheniere Energy partners. After more than 90 years, the colorful cardboard has”now become obsolete. “The information of the previous front of the tax deduction card (allowances, tax class, children and church tax deduction features) are provided in a database of financial administrations to the electronic call for employers and as ElektronischeLohnSteuerAbzugsMerkmale” (ELStAM) means. In future, the electronic tax deduction card is clearly facilitate communication in the entire payroll tax deduction process. The annual presentation of a new tax card in paper form with the employer is not required. Administrative procedures, which were required so far, for example, for the registration of the child tax credit after the birth of a child or change the tax class after marriage, are no longer necessary.
Was previously a paper tax deduction card lost, the creation of a replacement card was charged. This problem is now abolished. Overall a much higher security compared to the previous tax deduction card with the new procedure, which will provide greater tax fairness total. Since the summer of 2013, it is possible to access the databases of the financial offices to correctly take into account the tax characteristics of their workers for employers. The earlier the switchover takes place, the easier it will be to integrate the process steps in the business processes.