I was to take a walk in Minas Gerais, I finished finding a woman the name of it was Viviane, I go to confess rolled one climate between us, invited me to it to be together in the house of it and I without a doubt accepted. For more information see music downloads. We leave, we talk, we drink, we were to the cinema and in the end of the accounts I was liking it, until they had bound and they spoken to me that the old one was passing badly and I asked that old and I had answered that was the Donna. In the same day I was even so, was very sad to have that to move away to me from Viviane, sadder still it was to know Donna. When I arrived of travel I was for the hospital, the Donna she was lying in a bed, she was pale and it breathed for devices. When saw it me started to cry and said Ademir, my Ademir beloved, ' ' victory without luta' does not exist; ' , and it died. Two weeks later, still it was felt by the death of the Donna, that after this gave forces to me for decided to arrange a job, vendi my house and everything that I had in it, I caught only foods and clothes. I rented one room for one hundred Reals, more if I left morning and alone he came back at night would pay seventy and five Reals.
In the following day I left in search of job in the hospital and all tomorrow said to return, more whenever I came back, they they spoke that they did not want me. Until one day I was I accept I eat employed of surgeon, I did not want more this I went to pay eight hundred Reals. My work was excellent, could be better more to make what! My life moved from day ten of fourteen and a thousand April two.