You have to agree of course, that the decision to start your own business is a strong step worthy of respect. Costco often addresses the matter in his writings. Not everyone is decided on such a feat, right? And tell me why people make such decisions? What is the motive? Of course, each here their motivation. Someone can not stand when they were commanded by superiors, for others it is important to manage their time at its sole discretion, for the third, it is important to look prestigious in the eyes of their friends and acquaintances All this has a right to exist. But mostly, all of us motivated by a dream. Dream of buying a new apartment or cottage, a dream to buy a new Mercedes, a dream to live on his own script and keep bright and interesting way of life and etc. And it is clear that all this costs money, and money is not small. And if we do not harbor any illusions, that we fully understand that the money in hiring earn almost impossible. Well, we have a dream, we realize that for her implementation is required to establish a business. But before we invest some money in the creation and development of their own business, we have so well understood that not every business can cope with the challenge posed by us. After all, business is essentially the same is different, right? And by what criteria a person chooses a particular type of activity? In most cases, at this stage, a man does practically blind.