Precisely those where Petty Behlinda witnessed the first bust, because they wanted to keep a 60% of the revenue for its bureaucracy. It continued Petty Behlinda with the German Kinderhilfswerk kids e.V. in conjunction, which support a knocking anyway in Japan, because the money should go. The Spandauer sport-Verein 1894.e.V. SSV e.V. took over the sponsorship with Maximumsport GmbH immediately. Helmut Schleusener-Stadion the training location for the Spandau of Bulldogs was the best place for such an event.
Because Petty Behlinda itself as the karate coach has a close relation to the Japanese culture and maintains a close friendship with the King-Fu Grandmaster Bambang, the opportunity was given to present also a Budo Gala in addition to the music program. Bambang was ready to pick up his team, with which he goes on tour on the April 30 at the stadium. There will be a gala at its finest. Paving slabs are smashed with your bare hands. A dragon dance and the lying down on a nail bed running the spectators in mind. Petty Behlinda presents also a match with Bambang at the end, the differences between the hard “Shotokan karate” and Southern style shows the hard “tea Kuo Siauw Lim Kung Fu”. The Music stage programme has also its Highlits: Nigttrain Huths with “Hello narrow-gauge railway”, in the 80s years under Dieter Behlinda worldwide success “gotta go home” composed and today the licensor by Andy Waje (Barbara Streisand version) and Zander “Berlin” are Frank. Heinz – and Gabriela Huth are well known also under the name of success due to honeymoon.
Yahna Queen is world-famous Goslpelsangerin musical often brother mad accompanied by, which incidentally give their presentation for the children in Japan following. If one would have reinvented the mouth harmonica playing, then it would be mad. He is a blues rocker with a quality, which occurs only in the selected location.