This study aims you evaluate the view that the nurse has the interpretation of the electrocardiogram. The present study this is an exploratory research, bibliographical qualitative approach. In developing the research was necessary you consult scientific papers published in nationally broadcast saw the Internet and in books that dealt with this to matter. Then you get you be the conclusion of the professional decision making an indispensable attribute facing possible cardiac abnormalities that may to endanger patients’ lives at risk. Keywords: Electrocardiogram; Interpretation; Nurse; INTRODUCTION the cardiovascular patologias represent, today, a great concern in the daily life of innumerable families. Being able to be cited some illnesses as, infarto acute of the myocardium (THEY WENT), unstable angina, amongst others, these represent one of the main causes of death in Brazil, resulting in great expenses in assistance the health, being that about 300.000 Brazilians they are victims of the cardiovascular illnesses to each year.
(KUBO, 2001) We have the knowledge and the technique of diverse ways of evaluation and disgnostic examinations that make possible the prevention of complications, decurrent of cardiovascular illnesses. The inquiry of the description of health of the followed patient of a well executed physical examination, many times, prevents certain intercorrncias that can happen with an individual are in a hospital environment or the proper domicile. Amongst the disgnostic methods precocious the eletrocardiograma meets (ECG), of practical and agile accomplishment for the detention of patologias or cardiovascular disfunes. This supplies necessary diagnosis evaluation of the rhythm riots, ischemic conduction, events among others cardiac problems.