Evaluation of a book Collection of Mathematics of 6*the 9*ano Clecio Souto Da Silva Uab/UFPB ' ' The way if makes walking ' ' (AXE, 1999, p.5.) We start our evaluation with the collection of publishing company FTD of the year of 2006 (Making the Difference) in which, engloba the famous authors Jose Robert Bonjorno, Bachelor and Permitted in Physics for the Pontifica University Catholic of So Paulo? PUC-SP. Professor of Mathematics and Physics in schools of basic and average education since 1973. Regina Azenha Bonjorno, Bachelor and Permitted in Physics for the Pontifica University Catholic of So Paulo? PUC-SP. Teacher of Mathematics in schools of education basic and average since 1984 and Ayrton Olivares, Bachelor and Permitted in Mathematics for the Pontifica University Catholic of So Paulo? USP-SP. Professor of Mathematics of basic and average education in the particular net of So Paulo since 1982.
Professor of Mathematics of the Federal Center of Technological Education of Is Pablo? CEFET-SP since 1982. The Authors possess its works directed toward Basic and Average education as well as, for the education of the Physics. The didactic books that we evaluate are of (Bonjorno 2006) of the collection ' ' Making the Diferena' ' for considering them of great contribution for the education of Geometry in Basic Ensino. One is about a collection of Mathematics with four volumes, destined the pupils of the Basic course that today, is subdivided by the curricular parameters, in which, ' ' ano' ' not more for ' ' sries' ' , as the new norms of the PCN were classified in the previous years S. The PCN? s (National Curricular Parameters) of Basic Ensino says that: ' ' The education of Mathematics costuma to provoke two contradictory sensations, as much on the part of who teaches, as on the part of who it learns: of a side, the constatao to that if it deals with an area of important knowledge; of another one, the insatisfao ahead of the gotten negative results quite frequently in relation to its learning.