This time I will leave information on the path of Alexander Casaburi, professor of Customs House in Argentina. Degree in International Relations, then enrolled Law students. In the area of external trade performance as supervising operations at major customs brokers studies and consultancy in foreign trade.He currently owns his own business consultancy in Foreign Trade and Customs Clearance, external audits and technical consulting in the departments of Foreign Trade of national and international companies such as wineries SACI Pe aflor Pascual Toso, Norton, Santa Ana Elli Laboratories Lilly and Schaw, Bureau Veritas Argentina, SRL Mercotex, FTAA Business Consulting among others. In his teaching, he teaches in the Argentina Chamber of Commerce (ACC) and the School of Foreign Trade of the BankBoston Foundation. Also teaches courses and seminars on topics of customs in the Escuela Argentina Export and others. I Pellegrini, UBA for the Chair in Mathematics