It requires strong conversational, innovative and above all but open communication. This is the actual Message: We must learn the rules of the social Web, and daring at the same time new ways. Keyword: Rules and entry into social media. What’s the way then? For many of our customers from the financial industry, we find that the belief in the importance and relevance of social media is still low. With our new social media monitoring service we disclose but relentlessly, that or how many people actively discussing the products and the brand, where these discussions are held and who discussed. ers on the topic..
And above all, our social media monitoring shows the quality of the debate there are more positive or more negative posts? Based on these results none of our interlocutor has denied so far still the relevance of social media. Knowledge, whether positive or negative about the products mentioned are fine and dandy. But what does this for the real campaign? The benefit is complex: for one, we can optimize running campaigns on the basis of the results of our social media monitoring together with the customer, by any Points of criticism are taken up. On the other hand, come here our consulting strength into play, to improve products and services generally for sales on the Web who listens to the customers, has many advantages. And: the results of the monitoring are often provided the impetus for our customers to develop concepts to improve the image of the company together with us and other affiliates. Again it is a prerequisite for social media openness and authenticity. At the same time, banks are traditionally more secretive, also for the protection of the customers. Is social media for banks, because this means yes a certain opening? There are a number of banks already very strongly and successfully have directed towards social media and your business model.
Above all our parent company, the FIDOR Bank (). But as I already said: there are not the an all around carefree package. Instead the opening up of the benefits of social media is always individually on and with the company to align. The task for us Online marketeers is then to create customized and clever approaches. And we can do that. What must financial institutions pay attention, when it comes to social media? A big misconception is that social media is used mainly by young people. For example, most Twitter users 30 + are. And, the growth figures are enormous. The financial institutions must assume that many customers, but also its own employees in the social Web are active. Financial institutions should no longer ask the question: we want social media? The right question is: what should be our social media strategy? Online marketeers are asked to list the benefits of their profession for companies, you can repeatedly hear the aspect of measurability. How is it diesbzgl. with social media? Here, the shift continues. Because social media marketing it is to not only reach. It is also important to identify influencers who recommend the offers. There is no clear measures so far but several working groups are currently working. But ultimately the objective question to measure the success of social media first made and should be answered. Because social media is suitable for many areas, as pointed out. And this is a blessing and a curse at the same time, because there is no standard solutions. We see that but clearly as a blessing and a challenge to develop new successful social media marketing concepts.