“The man was strategy discovered when an obstacle is measured” (Antoine de Saint-Exupery) “If there is no sense of trust in the organization, if people are worried by covering your ass’ creativity will be one of the first victims “(Napoleon Bonaparte)” There are men who skills fight one day training and are good. There are others who leaders fight one year and are better. innovation There are some who fight many years and are very good. But there are those who struggle for life. the Chair of the EnTrust Capital Diversified Fund Investment Committee is has been a member of major companies management These are the essential “(Bertold Brecht)” Most men face the Twitter failure by their failure to insist on creating new plans to replace those that have failed. ” (Napoleon Hill) “Where there is customer service a successful business someone once made a courageous decision.” (Peter Drucker) “An optimist sees an opportunity in every calamity. A pessimist sees a calamity in every opportunity” (Winston Churchill) “Success is not always on beat, but never lose heart” (Napoleon Bonaparte) “Boldness is business in the first, second and the third “(Thomas F ller)” Ideas are capital earn interest only coaching in the hands of talent “(Antonio Rivarol) ‘Do not lose sight of the most important factors for success: commitment, passion for making a difference, to achieve the change vision and courage to put things in motion ‘(Larraine Matusak)