The entire range, which you propose to supply the network must be in stock in sufficient quantities and at the time of promotions and more. The principle of networking approaches to the principles and laws of the logistics – a necessary commodity, the required quality, in the right quantity and location, just in time. The basic principles that should guide the company working or wishing to work with major networks and hypermarkets to become logistically built a company with clearly defined business processes, a significant decrease in unit production costs. That is why work with networks of first-tier and even larger, but free-standing stores, vary greatly and requires the establishment of appropriate structures in any company that is ready to solve the above problems. Can not organize and work with major networks and hypermarkets, is not solving all the questions above. The absence of a constructive solution of one of them, whether logistical or financial aspect, merchandising or pricing policy can lead your company not only to the forced termination of the contract with the network, the loss of a substantial percentage of the turnover and profits, and reputation in the retail market, but most importantly to the substantial financial losses of the company. Solution to only one or two problems, not the entire complex dubbed the issues will not lead you to the desired result.
Remember one thing, each does not solve the problem, will cost you much more in relationships with large retailers retailers than complete and comprehensive a solution. Do not go in the wake of networks to the detriment of themselves, does not diminish the benefit of its profitability, forcing himself into a corner, where there will be no way out. Remember reduce their profitability is easy, but to raise it is often difficult and sometimes impossible. Therefore, one wrong step can cause you to crash several times to cock his every decision and word. Let retail retailer feels your strong partner able to defend their interests and well-performing its obligations. Believe me it's always a matter of respect and does not allow networks to behave rudely with you and not correctly. Article prepared by the trainers – the Metropolitan Institute for Training When reprinting rights reserved.