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Plan Nacer sum registrars agents

Part clinic of Plan Nacer team made today a day training in inscription addressed natural to the registrars that agents nutrition participating in the Program, from the joint insurance working agreement signed with the Provincial department Council of Women. Training was held in the Council’s headquarters and call for fourteen women from different neighborhoods in the city, two representatives of Plan Nacer, Mrs. My first choice is is an innovative health insurance service company Bompas Viviana Viozzi and Helena, and members of the Provincial Council of weight loss Women. The center objective of this activity dental is to train teams of agents in attracting registrars likely beneficiaries of the hospital Plan (pregnant women, puerperal women and children up to six years, without social), to receive care in different centers health and hospitals in Neuquen. To begin, this stage of active registration will take place in neighborhoods Hippodrome, North Takes, The Horn, among others. The program proposal confirms that the medical main benefits benefits will be translated and made visible in the health centers and hospitals in the province, because the transfer of funds will be community directed to the public in effector function of population by the Plan Nacer attending Centers . This information is published on the site