In many U.S. companies already are using this tool, as he tells us Baqu a Magazine. Not only is it cheaper than the phone, but its use is essential for businesses with offices scattered across the country or even abroad. Just open the program, search for the user and begin to ‘talk’ or send documents. The problem is that the Web series of unscrupulous swarming all threatening the security of communications. And the messenger is no stranger to it.The more jealous of their privacy can use the major IM providers (AOL, Microsoft and Yahoo), who have secure versions (fee, of course) to guarantee the inviolability of communications. Another option, the most widespread, is to trust that you do not touch and do what almost everyone: download versions. It is clear that twenty-first century businesses that do nothing but take advantage of the advances that the Internet provides. Another, which has spent more time unnoticed, is the use of video in the traditional media. Many American firms, such as Pivotal, video recorded in any public appearance of its executives for hanging on its corporate website.Of course, these initiatives have little impact if the user navigates with a connection to the pedals. To successfully play a video on the net is not necessary, although highly desirable to have a broadband connection. Something that Spain is no longer such a problem, because 30 of Spanish Internet users surf the wind. The video across the Internet will enjoy prestige among the companies of the future. According to Forbes, 2003 was the year of the WebCast, or what is equal, a Web presentation with audio and video on a complex topic, designed to educate a broad user base and generate addresses of interested companies for the developer.