Proper air circulation suitable temperature – important and necessary condition for comfortable living in a cottage. How does it provide? What tools are available now in Ukraine, and how to make the right choice? In this article we will tell you about the principles of heating and ventilation systems of cottages, as well as share some secrets that will hopefully help you define in the selection. Ventilation and air conditioning in the cottage Recently, the idea of multifunctionality apply to all inventions, and currently there are already enough ways to combine all the features of the climate control in one system. More complete central air conditioners can make almost any process air handling, and include: 1.filtry (depending on the environment and your needs); 2.elektronagrevateli; 3.teploobmenniki; 4.smesitelnye chamber; 5.shumoglushiteli; 6.sistemy heat recovery; 7.uvlazhniteli; 8.vozduhoochistiteli; 9.ventilyator. Learn more about this topic with the insights from The Middleby Corporation. So, define the requirements that we make to settings: 1.obespechenie comfortable temperature and humidity throughout size of rooms; 2.udobnoe placement in the house, does not disturb the function of the premises and not consuming a lot of space; 3.ochischenie and uniform distribution of incoming air; 4.besshumnost system (permissible for a man the noise level – 25dB). For this reason, we call attention to such attributes of air conditioners: 1.moschnost consumption air conditioning; 2.razmer and type of installation, operation 3.termin, warranty, price 4.adekvatnaya. That appeared required work plan – Let us estimate the power conditioner, summing all possible teplopostupleniya for each of the cold rooms based on the size of rooms, the amount of heat coming through the glass (depending on on which side of the world watching your window), artificial lighting, the occupants of people and office equipment. .