sent application snap many school leavers of in recent years have it already successfully used the application etiquette by In him the future school leavers get valuable tips and tricks to make your first applications demanding and to adapt to the requirements of the free economy. A poorly crafted or inappropriate application can quickly block the way for the dream training. Sometimes enough because even small details. To help students, JOB MIXER has written on the flag. In recent years, nationwide, many secondary schools have used the offer to order this application etiquette and use in the classroom. Because each student receives his personal copy, the material must be ordered so that new each year.
There, that can carry many schools is difficult because the budgets are usually small costs. For this reason, a new road is paved since this year free to equip the schools with teaching materials. In cooperation with and corporate partners the first 20,000 copies as class rates at secondary schools in the greater Munich area be sent now. It is financed by corporate partners who training ads in the application etiquette for 2011. Therefore, the application snap receives a further added value.
More 13 regional editions are planned for 2010, which will appear in the next few months. Total over 200,000 school leavers of the vintage support 2011 through the application of etiquette for your business contacts. Interested parties who would like more information about this action, can obtain telephone information under 0341 25 66 98 22 alternatively can be requested information by E-Mail). Press contact: Stephan Herrmann Naumburger Strasse 44 04229 Leipzig Tel.: 0341 25 66 98 22 E-Mail: