Amaioria of the Brazilian population meets displayed the strong ambient risks, either in the housing, workstations or environment where it circulates. Essesriscos ambient the one that if is subject is decurrent of the substnciasperigosas; of the lack of basic sanitation; of housings located in encostasperigosas and sides of courses dgua, citizens, therefore the collapse and aenchentes. Others as many housings are placed in the neighborhoods of deposits delixo, on gas-lines or under lines of electricity transmission. The social groups of lesser income, in general, are the ones that have minor access to pure air, to drinking waters, the saneamentobsico and the agrarian security. The economic dynamic generate a process territorial deexcluso and social, that in the cities takes the periferizao of grandemassa of workers and in the field, due to expectation in getting melhorescondies of life, it leads to the exodus for the great urban centers. The deextrativistas traditional populations and small producers, that live in the regions of the border deexpanso of the capitalist activities, suffer to the pressures from the deslocamentocompulsrio of its areas of housing and work, losing the access to the land, smatas and to the rivers, being you banish for great hidroelectric, road projects oude mineral, lumber and farming exploration. Or then they have the suasatividades of survival threatened by the democratic and little poucoparticipativa definition of limits and of the conditions of use of units of conservation.
All these situations reflect ummesmo process: the enormous concentration of being able in the appropriation of the recursosambientais that characterizes the history of the country. A concentration of being able quetem if disclosed main the responsible one for what the social movements vmchamando of ambient injustice. We understand for ambient injustice mecanismopelo which different society, of the economic and social destinama, point of view bigger load of the ambient damages of the development to the populations of baixarenda, racial groups the discriminated, the traditional ethnic peoples, aosbairros laborers, to the kept out of society and vulnerable populations.